A community of faithful men and women who want to carry on the 2,000-year legacy of New Testament preservation

What is Scribal Fellowship?

The Scribal Fellowship is a community of faithful supporters who partner with CSNTM in preserving ancient New Testament manuscripts through automated monthly giving. This community is modeled after the support given to ancient scribes as they meticulously copied and preserved Scripture. By providing essential means, members of this fellowship play a vital role in the study and preservation of the New Testament text.

Why should I join?

As a member of the Scribal Fellowship, you become part of this centuries-long legacy in collaboration with CSNTM and New Testament scholars to accomplish three very important objectives:

  • You ensure that modern publications of the New Testament accurately reflect the words first written in the first century;
  • you digitally preserve ancient New Testament manuscripts against decay, loss, and destruction;
  • you provide scientific evidence (against the claims of skeptics) that what we have today is, indeed, what they wrote then.

What is included?

  • Exclusive access to virtual interactive events with founder and Executive Director, Daniel B. Wallace
  • A free, signed copy of a book authored by a CSNTM staff member (United States and Canada only)
  • Free admission to CSNTM events
  • Advanced access to CSNTM news and educational publications

Explore the Meaning and Purpose of Scribal Fellowship Here!

Join the Scribal Fellowship